Saturday, April 24, 2010

I feel loved!

 I just found out I got my first blogging award! The Sunshine Award. It's from TabithaVenasse at Taking apart the complexities that are me.  This is a great blog where Tabitha shares her struggles with trying to live a Godly life in a world we can all admit is less than.

I was surprised that I got it for Miscellany Shortcuts, because this poor little blog doesn't get the attention that my other blog Cerebral Lunch Box does.  A good part of that is because I don't post to this one nearly as much, but it means a lot that Tabitha choose this one to honor. 

The Rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog within your post.
2. Pass the award on to twelve bloggers.
3. Link to the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and the link to the person from whom you received this award.

Here are my twelve spots of light that brighten up my day, in no particular order:

1. Jamie at Finding Bliss in a Life More or Less Ordinary. Jamie is a real life friend of mine.  It's funny, but I think through blogging and the internet we've gotten closer since I moved away than we were before.  She's a single mother who is discovering new things about herself every day.  I'm really proud of her and what she's been able to accomplish in a short time.

2. Rachel Elizabeth at Delete the Adjectives. Every one of Rachel's posts start with a beautiful quote, which she always follows up with thoughtful posts that uplift, but make you think, too. 

3. The Cupcake Queen at 52 Cupcakes. A blog all about cupcakes.  Need I say more?  The pictures are beautiful, the recipes delicious, and her dog adorable!

4. Kate Dalgleish at I Am the Worst Blogger. Talk about dedication!  Kate posts something at least twice a day everyday.  Sometimes it's the craziness that can be found in the depths of Youtube or a cute Pokemon cross-stitch she's made.  No matter what she posts, it's always a bright spot in my day.  I can't tell you how many times she's made me actually lol.

5. Allie at Hyperbole and a Half. This blog gives me hope that as a spastic, hypochondriac, kind of neurotic girl, I too can achieve success.  I love her Paint illustrations to her stories and not uncommon for me to laugh so hard I actually tear up.  Plus she's been sick lately, so she needs a little sunshine.

6. MB at Support for Partners of Software Developers. Another RLF that I infected with blogging.  A blog mostly dealing with planning for her upcoming wedding, the tone is sometimes confessional and sometimes a hilarious over the top list of details.

7. ChoirChic at Big Girl's 5k. As a big girl, myself, this blog really helps me feel good about my progress to a healthier lifestyle.  ChoirChic is also going through the Couch to 5k, and I see my struggles reflected in hers.  Keep going for it!

8. Chelsea at Chalk Wharf. A very new blog, but one that shows a lot of openness.  You have to applaud someone for putting really personal thoughts and worries out there for the world to see.  Chelsea's struggling with getting laid off recently, so she could use some sunshine and support.

9. Sarah at Confessions of the Un-Published. A great place to find book reviews, goals to strive for, and a group of other wannabe writers.  Yeah for the un-published!

10. Another David at I've Never Been Good With Titles. I have to admit that when David starts talking about economics, I don't always get it all, but I still read through it (which means a lot coming from an English Major). Whether posting videos on Tuesday, drunk blogging, or begging people to fill out their census forms, he manages to make it all a fun read.

11. Badass Geek at The Badass Geek. I embrace my geekdom, so I really love this blog.  He's not afraid to tell some really hilarious but embarrassing stories about himself.  He's the kind of guy that could fit like a glove in my little circle of friends.

12. Not So Clever as My Friends at Inappropriate Remarks. This one probably isn't fair (a bit of nepotism) as this blog is written by my Husband.  Definitely not a very sunshiny blog in and of itself (it's a place to share funny rants at the craziness of life, media, and society), he is a giant source of light in my life. If you enjoy anything I write, it's based on his support and push for me to write.


  1. :) Of course I chose to honour this one. Cerebral Lunch Box rocks as well, but I think this blog gets far less attention than it deserves ;)

  2. Thanks for sharing my blog with the world!

    I can't wait to check out the rest of your listings!

  3. Oh wait...this isn't fair. I don't even read 12 other blogs. I read your 2 and the ones that you've listed above. BAH...NOT FAIR.

  4. @Tabitha That's so sweet. Thanks for bringing it to light.

    @Chelsea It's my pleasure. Hope you find something interesting in my odd little list.

    @ Not So Clever Ha ha! <3

  5. Congrats on the award! I'm new to your blog. :)
